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Parent Mentor

The Parent Mentor of Centerville/Oakwood is a parent of a child with a disability. The mentor is employed by a district to provide training, support, and information to families of students with disabilities. By providing these skills, we hope to enhance communication between families and the schools.

Please feel free to contact the Parent Mentor with any questions you have about your child.

Note: The notices on this website are provided for informational purposes only and should not be viewed as an endorsement by Centerville or Oakwood City Schools.

Centerville/Oakwood Parent Mentor

Dawn Millhouse
Email Ms. Millhouse

Parent Mentor Newsletter

Parents/guardians of children with special needs are invited to join this group to receive newsletters with information about special events, camps, sports leagues, and other activities that include students with special needs.

Parents of Centerville students should log into their ParentSquare account and join the Parent Mentor Newsletter group.

Parents of Oakwood students, or other members of the community, can join the group by choosing the Parent Mentor Newsletter on our Join Community Groups page.


Community Activities

Safety, Security, Financial/Estate Planning

Advocacy and Support

Healthy Living

Daily Living: Transition, Post-Secondary Education and Employment