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Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment

The Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment team is responsible for the development, implementation, assessment, and ongoing revision of all courses of study within Centerville City Schools.

The department promotes instructional practices that empower, challenge, and support students' academic, intellectual, social, and emotional needs. They also administer and interpret state and local testing requirements, and this data is used to monitor growth and inform instructional decision-making.

The following services and programs are coordinated by the Department of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment to support students, staff, and families:

Image of Adam Ciarlariello

Adam Ciarlariello
Director of Secondary Curriculum
937-433-8841, Ext. 2009


Image of Cherie Colopy

Cherie Colopy
Director of Elementary Curriculum
937-433-8841, Ext. 2048


Resources for 6-12 Families

Click on the following links for additional information.

Ohio's Learning Standards

Guides to Test Results

Curriculum News