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School Health

Centerville City Schools is committed to meeting the daily health care needs of students as well as the educational and long-term care needs associated with illness in children. It is our goal to be a resource and partner to parents and healthcare providers.


School nurses advocate for students in the educational setting, focusing attention on students’ physical health and wellness, as well as their mental, social, and emotional well-being.

School nurses work and oversee the operations of school health clinics in each building, along with assistance from other registered nurses. Health-related forms are available on the district website, and the nurses are glad to answer any questions you may have.

Image of nurse graphic with facts about school nurses

Feeling sick? Please stay home!

To help prevent the spread of illness in our schools, please keep your child home if they have any symptoms of flu, COVID-19, or any other illness. This could include congestion or runny nose, sore throat, headache, cough, fever or chills, shortness of breath/difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, loss of taste or smell, nausea or vomiting, and/or diarrhea.

Students must be fever, vomit, and diarrhea free for 24 hours without the aid of medication before they return to school.

Our school nurses also shared that the American Academy of Pediatrics’ recommends keeping children home from school for the following reasons:

  • If awaiting test results for any communicable illness (influenza, COVID, strep, etc.), please keep your child home until you receive test results.
  • A temperature 100.4 degrees or above is generally recognized as a fever. Whether or not the student should attend with a temperature less than 100.4 degrees should include the student’s overall health status and other symptoms.
  • They cannot participate comfortably in activities and/or pose a significant risk to themselves or others.
  • Their condition results in a need for care that is greater than staff members can provide without compromising the health and safety of other students.
  • They pose a risk of spreading harmful disease to others.
  • Some illnesses/injuries may justify exclusion from school until cleared by a healthcare provider (e.g. a student returning to school after surgery).

Health News & Tips

Click on a topic to see more information.

School & Clinic Nurses

Click on the school name to see a list of nurses at each building.