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The treasurer is the chief fiscal officer of the district and reports directly to the Centerville Board of Education.

The treasurer serves as the secretary to the Board of Education and is responsible for all records produced by and received by her office. The treasurer files monthly reports with the Board of Education on all fiscal matters.

Additionally, the treasurer works closely with the superintendent and district departments in preparation of an annual budget that is forward-thinking and fiscally responsible. She works closely with the Director of Business Operations to obtain liability, property, and fleet insurance and with the Director of Human Resources to procure health, dental, and life insurance for district personnel. The treasurer may be appointed to serve on various committees as requested by the superintendent and Board of Education.

The Ohio Standards for School Treasurers and School Business Managers outlines these roles and responsibilities for an effective treasurer:

  • Fiscal leaders and advisors who provide sound financial guidance that assists the district leadership team in the decision-making process
  • Financial managers who clearly understand the economic resources and collaborate with district leadership in their management
  • Managers of capital and financial assets who, through their fiscal leadership, are charged with the guardianship of these assets
  • Communicators and collaborators who disseminate and articulate the financial status of the district
  • Professionals who adhere to established ethical standards
Image of Laura Sauber

Laura Sauber


Image of Brian L. Miller

Brian L. Miller
Assistant Treasurer


FY2023 Audit Opinion

During the audit, the auditors check internal controls by randomly selecting a sampling of financial transactions to ensure proper cash handling and purchasing procedures. They review all school district funds (i.e. General, Permanent Improvement, grants, etc.). Use the link below to view the most recent Audit Report, which includes the district's Annual Comprehensive Financial Report.

Financial Forecast and Assumptions

The financial forecast and significant assumptions are required by Ohio Revised Code Section 5705.391 and provide a method for the Ohio Department of Education and the Ohio Auditor of State to identify school districts that may be facing financial difficulty over the next five years. The financial forecast, which is linked below, includes three years of historical data and five years of projected data in the district's General Fund. The current fiscal year is the first year of projected data. This financial forecast represents the information available and known at this time. Changes will inevitably occur throughout the next five years that this document covers.

Monthly Financial Reports

The Treasurer provides a monthly financial report at regular board meetings. A video recording of the latest board meeting is included below, and past board meetings are available on the district's YouTube channel. In addition, you can click here to view the latest monthly General Fund Rolling Report.


Levy Information

Voted levies are a major source of revenue for most school districts in Ohio. Visit our fact sheet to learn more about this type of funding and why school districts need to return to taxpayers for additional revenue every few years.

#FinanceFriday Series

Check out these quick videos sharing basic information about school funding.