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Human Resources

Centerville City School District is regarded as one of the premier school districts in Southwest Ohio. We are proud to deliver high quality and high impact instruction to more than 8,000 students. A consistent, award-winning district, Centerville City Schools boast a challenging 21st century curriculum for all students.

The Department of Human Resources provides human capital services to over 1,000 employees, which includes administrators, teachers, classroom support, and non-instructional staff members. One of our primary goals is providing excellent customer service for our current and prospective staff, every day for every individual.

The Department of Human Resources strives to recruit and retain high quality personnel in all areas of our operation in order to support the academic and social-emotional needs of our students. We pride ourselves on hiring the best of the best, and we welcome you to consider us as an employment option.

Centerville City Schools is an equal opportunity employer.

Image of Dan Tarpey

Dan Tarpey
Assistant Superintendent and Director of Human Resources
937-433-8841, Ext. 2054


Human Resources Responsibilities

Our specific responsibilities under the human capital umbrella include:

  • Coordination of certificated staffing: recruitment, selection, and on-boarding
  • Advertising district vacancies (view online listings)
  • Coordinating the New Teacher Academy, an orientation for new, certificated staff
  • Continuous monitoring of enrollment and pupil-teacher ratios
  • Procurement and training of substitute teachers
  • Governance of the district's teacher evaluation program (OTES)
  • Oversight of certificated licensure: guidance and support via the LPDC
  • Coordination of the district/Resident Educator Mentor Programs
  • Interpreting and implementing (support/guidance) state mandates affecting staff
  • Management of day-to-day staff/personnel issues: conflict/resolution
  • Monitoring sick leave, personal leave, all leaves of absence, and FMLA

Contact us at 937-433-8841 or send us an email regarding your questions. We're here to help!

Substitutes Needed

Centerville Schools needs many substitutes throughout the school year. Positions include substitute teachers, paraprofessionals, secretaries and office aides, bus drivers and aides, custodians, and kitchen workers.

Learn more about substitute positions in our district