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Throughout the week, students learned more about being respectful, showing responsibility, and having gratitude.
MATHCOUNTS offers fun and engaging programs that get middle school students excited about math.
Both the 2024-25 and 2025-26 calendars were approved by the Centerville Board of Education during the summer of 2024.
Centerville Mayor Brooks Compton visited the fourth grade class to discuss city and county-wide recycling initiatives.
The Centerville Choirs had an opportunity to work with award-winning singer and vocal percussionist Rob Dietz.
Students created cards with special Valentine messages to send to local nursing homes.
Today's #ElkSpotlight: Amy O'Grady, Preschool Teacher
All world language students participated in activities to celebrate language learning!
February is Career and Technical Education Month!
PVS kindergartners found pieces of candy, labeled 1 to 100, on the 100th day of school!