Master Facility Planning
All of Centerville's school buildings are over 50 years old (except Primary Village South), and Magsig Middle School is more than 100 years old. As these buildings get older, they begin to need more expensive repairs. As part of the Resourcing & Supporting focus area of the district's strategic plan, a group of parents, community members, and district employees has been meeting since the fall of 2022 to discuss long-term facility needs and how those could be funded.
Our Facilities
Centerville City School District owns about 300 acres of land and 15 buildings.
This includes nearly 1.3 million square feet of indoor space. The district owns two parcels of undeveloped land, which includes approximately 55 acres on Franklin Street and 28 acres on Social Row Road.
All but one of Centerville's school buildings is more than 50 years old.
The average age of the district's school buildings is 60 years old. Magsig Middle School is the oldest at 100 years old, and Primary Village South, which opened in 2007, is the newest. The graph on this page shows the age of each building as of the fall of 2024. Additional information about each building is also included below.
Maintenance and modernization projects continue to be completed in our facilities.
The Business Operations Department uses permanent improvement funds and grant money to finance necessary maintenance projects while long-term facility plans continue to be discussed. Click here to learn more about current projects and how they are funded.
Primary Village North
Grades PreK-1
Constructed: 1970
Additions: 1991, 2007
Primary Village South
Grades PreK-1
Constructed: 2007
Cline Elementary
Grades 2-5
Constructed: 1955
Additions: Unknown
Driscoll Elementary
Grades 2-5
Constructed: 1962
Additions: 1995
John Hole Elementary
Grades 2-5
Constructed: 1956
Additions: 1995
Normandy Elementary
Grades 2-5
Constructed: 1964
Additions: 1996, 2001
Stingley Elementary
Grades 2-5
Constructed: 1962
Additions: 1996
Weller Elementary
Grades 2-5
Constructed: 1959
Additions: 1992, 1998
Magsig Middle School
Grades 6-8
Constructed: 1924
Additions: 1942, 1951, 1963, 1977
Tower Heights Middle School
Grades 6-8
Constructed: 1967
Additions: 1997, 2008
Watts Middle School
Grades 6-8
Constructed: 1969
Additions: 1997, 2006
Centerville High School
Grades 9-12
Constructed: 1973
Additions: 1974, 1976, 1980, 2000, 2007
School of Possibilities
Grades 9-12
Constructed: 1961
Additions: 1972
George Sontag Jr. Transportation Center
Constructed: 1975
Additions: 2010
Other Facilities
Alumni Stadium
CHS Athletic Complex
Maintenance Garage
Building Assessment
After voters approved an additional 1-mill permanent improvement levy in 2019, Centerville City Schools partnered with Levin Porter Architects to complete a district-wide building assessment that evaluated 20 systems in every district facility. The completed building assessment provided the district with more than 2,700 pages of data, including each system’s age, general condition, and life expectancy, as well as budget estimates and timelines for repair and replacement.
Since 2022, a master facility planning committee, consisting of administrators, teachers, parents, and community members, has been meeting to discuss future facility needs and potential funding sources. There are no plans to move forward with any new construction at this time.
Frequently Asked Questions
News & Events
Facility Planning News
Read news related to the district-wide building assessment and Master Facility Planning.
This roof replacement was identified as a need during the district's facility assessment.
This road extension is expected to create safer driving conditions for CHS students, staff, and community members.
Business Director Chuck Cowgill shares information about HVAC units that are being replaced at Primary Village North.
Facility Planning Events
Please watch this space for information about community meetings focused on district facilities.