Culturally Responsive Practices
Growth will be evident through visible improvement in culturally responsive practices.
The district will provide professional development opportunities for staff to identify their cultural lens and understand different perspectives. The DEI team will lead summer and winter institutes to support staff who choose to learn more about the topics of diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Members of the DEI team will participate in building staff meetings so they are informed of current district trends and can provide consultation from a culturally-responsive perspective.
Task Force Members
Fifteen administrators, teachers, and support staff members from across the district participate on this task force. The group is led by DEI Core Team Members Jocelyn Weeda and Matt Moyer.
Related Efforts
- 200 teachers attended a session with Colin Seale, founder and CEO of ThinkLaw and author of Tangible Equity, to share practical instructional strategies that boost students’ critical thinking skills.
- 350 staff members participated in a book study of Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain to better understand how students process information for learning.
- Each building has held meetings to provide time for staff to reflect on and build their understanding of others.
- Optional professional development opportunities have included COPE Poverty Simulations, as well as sessions sharing best practices for supporting LGBTQ students.
- Staff and community members could choose to participate in the district-hosted event, Courageous Conversations about Race.
- An online resource bank for teachers about culturally-responsive teaching was created and maintained.